Japan Diet Academy offers certified qualifications to those who learn about diet methods and theory through our e-learning. Of course student must pass the final exam, but so far 99% of learners were successful in obtaining the qualifications. In average it takes about one week per course.
The certified qualifications are the Regular Diet Master and Senior Diet Master courses. Both are qualified by the NPO Japan Diet Study Institute.
Effective April, 2008, medical examinations on metabolic syndrome has been under insurance coverage by law in Japan. Although not talked about as much since the earthquakes, obesity is still a serious issue that the government is working on.

Despite the increases awareness of obesity, people still eat high calorie foods and do not exercise because of technological advancements, such at the PC and so on. Besides, the most important factor is that there are no lessons on proper nutrition. This is a serious situation. If there were such lessons, people would be more likely to pass up certain foods that cause excessive weight gain. The issue is that the Japanese government is responsible for protecting food companies.
If you think you do now want to gain weight and want to maintain a healthy condition, it is up to you to learn proper dieting methods and theories.
The Japan Diet Academy gets you certified in diet knowledge.
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